Monday, February 26, 2018

Sri Devi Death shook the indian Bollywood

Bollywood Actress died last night in Dubai from a massive cardio arrest. she went to Dubai with her husband and his family because they were having a wedding ceremony. however, suddenly she felt dizzy and put her self in the room and didn't want
to be in the wedding hall later at night people has come to know that she died of a massive cardio arrest.
her husband brother Sanjay Kapoor confirmed her death to the media in a simple briefing.

additionally, she was a great actress of all time in the 80s and 90s she produce some great films with various male actors. such as Anil Kapoor, mathun Chakraborty and much more of we called she was a renowned personality in the films industry.
 she was a mother a wife with a happy family many Bollywood celebrities have to her funeral to her house in Mumbai and prayed for her.

she is not with us anymore.


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